My sweet celiac and youngest, Izzy

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pause Button

Sometimes I wish there were a pause button on life.  We are already a month and a half into the school year with my sweet littles, a month into Shelby's senior year and Lana's freshman year of college and almost through our birthday "season" in this house.  All the time I thought I'd have once Izzy was in school full time was a farce, lie, total ridiculousness.  Fall is always so busy and I know it will calm down soon but then there will be the holidays and the new year and a move.  And this time next year I will be sitting here with all of my kids another year older wishing for the same thing....a pause button. 

So let's catch up on the last month and a half! 

First day of school for the littles was a HUGE success!  Izzy's allergies were taken care of quickly, efficiently and lovingly by her teacher and EVERY staff member at our school.  Within two weeks she not only had an action plan but a 504 as well.  Her teacher is amazing and has such an awesome personality and loving inspiration/environment that Izzy has been thriving!  Of course my girl is her usual social self and has made many new friends.  Sitting at the food allergy table has been a bit of transition, especially when they have special lunch days like "grandparents lunch" and all of our family is away yet she had no one to sit with, but we are working through the little things because in the grand scheme of things it is a VERY little thing.

Noah is in the BIG 1st grade now and is doing much better as I write this than when we first started school.  He has a hard time with change and this year has been difficult for him but he has already shown signs of improvement.  We had his 7 year old well check appt. this week to address some concerns his teacher had and I'm very happy to report that we are only looking at some dietary changes, and some other minor changes in his benefit.  She does not think that he is dealing with ADHD or Sensory issues or medication of any kind.  My heart lifted at that and my faith restored.  I have secretly been worrying about this for a month and I am so thankful that even at it's worst it wouldn't be the worst thing.  I have two children with such medical issues I thought we'd escaped with the middle two.  It's scary dealing with a heart transplant child and a child with an autoimmune disease.  Despite that there are 4 kids in this family with really big things going on and sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the other things. So I'm happy with the outcome as of now but there might be more to come. 

Shelby's senior year is going at warp speed already!  She's already applying to colleges and being recruited by a few.  She's got all A's and has redone her ACT's and improved her score.  So proud of her and all she's reaching to do in her life! She will take college by storm and in turn life.  She is so much stronger than she thinks she is and will do amazing things!  Watch out world, here she comes!!!

Lana has already taken the bull by the horns and started college and.......LOVES IT!  She's doing so amazing!  Proud parent moment is that with her new schedule we actually have one on one time that we haven't had in 18 years.  I love that she's going to school here right now and loving it as much as she does, here for an occasional lunch while everyone's in school or going to the elementary school to have lunch with her siblings.  It's truly been a blessing.  She's quite an amazing woman.  PS. Her transplant appt's have been fabulous!

There are some fabulous things happening with these kids and I'm so happy to see them flourish and develop their own personalities and traits.  What an amazing life...I want to pause right now.

New recipes to come!

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